War Against Chlid Abuse And Domestic Violence

Child Advocacy is an Art! Advocating for children requires special skills, creativity, and sensitivity. It’s all about effectively supporting and upholding children’s rights and interests. It requires understanding, empathizing and having the ability to navigate complex situations with expertise and care for the children. My name is FadaBen. I’m a Catholic Priest! And YES! I’m a child advocate! Let’s push for all that empowers the future generation and enhances the growth of the young minds… #fadaben #childadvocacy #childrens #catholicpriest #child

At the heart of my mission is the unwavering commitment to raise awareness about child abuse and advocate for stronger protections. During the meeting, we brainstormed a variety of strategies to expand our outreach efforts. The idea is not just to inform, but to create a community where everyone feels equipped and responsible for the well-being of our children.
One of the most touching moments of the Campaign was our focus on enhancing support networks for survivors of abuse. I am working closely with mental health professionals, social workers, and legal advocates to build a robust support system. My aim is to address both the immediate and long-term needs of affected children, ensuring they have access to counseling, legal assistance, and a safe environment conducive to healing. It’s a complex process, but it’s heartening to see how dedicated everyone is to making this a reality. Community involvement is the lifeblood of our campaign, and it was clear from our Campaign how crucial our volunteers are to our success. Their dedication is remarkable, and we’re introducing new volunteer opportunities and training programs to better support and prepare them. If you’ve ever considered getting involved, now is a great time to join us. Your involvement can make a significant impact, and we welcome anyone willing to lend their voice and time to this cause. Fundraising is another area where we’re making strides. Our recent Campaign events have been highly successful, and the resources we’ve secured will help expand our programs and reach even more communities. I want to extend a heartfelt thank you to everyone who has supported us through donations and fundraising efforts. Your generosity is crucial in sustaining and growing our initiatives.

"Every child deserves a future free from fear. Together, we can turn that promise into a reality."

Finally, i took time to share and celebrate the success stories of children whose lives have been positively impacted by our work. Hearing these stories is both inspiring and motivating. They remind us why we’re dedicated to this cause and reinforce the difference we can make when we work together. Here's The link for more

As we continue this journey, I am reminded that every child deserves to grow up in a safe and nurturing environment. Our campaign’s success relies on the collective passion and commitment of each one of you—our supporters, volunteers, and partners. Together, we are making significant strides in protecting children and building a brighter, safer future for all.

Thank you for your ongoing support and dedication. Let’s continue this important work with the same energy and commitment that has brought us this far. Every effort counts, and together, we are making a difference. Click Here To See More Pictures from the event

Fr Ben Onyemechalu

Priest of the Catholic Archdiocese of Abuja, multipotentialite, founder and creative director at FadaBen Creations, child advocate, youth animator, community builder, goal oriented personality with a penchant for generating innovative ideas and solutions through music, arts and culture, all aimed at addressing societal issues. A Musician, Songwriter, Music Producer, with great interest and love for photography, videography, editing, community development, smartphone creative adventures, amongst others. Associate Chaplain of Catholic Archdiocesan Choir of Abuja, and current Parish Priest of St Andrew Catholic Church, Orozo, Abuja, Nigeria.

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