Operation Safe Environs

In Orozo, Abuja, I recently led a campaign focused on environmental sanitation, engaging local youths in a "Clean the Streets" operation. This initiative was born out of growing concerns regarding waste management and public health in the community. With the rising incidence of diseases linked to poor sanitation, it became crucial to mobilize community members, particularly the youth, to take action. Our primary goal was not only to clean the streets but also to instill a sense of responsibility towards environmental hygiene among the participants.

During the operation, we gathered a diverse group of volunteers from various local youth organizations. Armed with gloves, trash bags, and other cleaning materials, we set out to clear litter from the streets of Orozo. Our activities included street cleaning, where participants collected waste from public areas like roadsides and parks that had long been neglected. We also focused on waste sorting, educating volunteers on how to separate recyclables from non-recyclables, emphasizing the importance of proper waste disposal. Throughout the day, we engaged with residents, encouraging them to join our efforts and adopt better sanitation practices at home.

"Effective waste management is not just about disposing of trash; it's about creating a sustainable future where every item is valued and every action contributes to a cleaner, healthier planet."

The impact of the campaign was significant. We successfully removed a large amount of waste from the streets, transforming the community's appearance. More importantly, the initiative sparked conversations about environmental responsibility among residents. Feedback from participants revealed a renewed commitment to maintaining cleanliness in Orozo, with many expressing interest in making this campaign a regular event. There was a strong desire to establish monthly clean-up days to sustain the momentum we had built.

In conclusion, the "Clean the Streets" operation in Orozo was more than just a one-time event; it represented a step towards fostering a culture of environmental stewardship among the youth. By taking the initiative and leading by example, we hope to inspire others to prioritize sanitation and contribute to a healthier community. This campaign demonstrated the power of collective action and highlighted the vital role that youth can play in addressing environmental challenges.

Fr Ben Onyemechalu

Priest of the Catholic Archdiocese of Abuja, multipotentialite, founder and creative director at FadaBen Creations, child advocate, youth animator, community builder, goal oriented personality with a penchant for generating innovative ideas and solutions through music, arts and culture, all aimed at addressing societal issues. A Musician, Songwriter, Music Producer, with great interest and love for photography, videography, editing, community development, smartphone creative adventures, amongst others. Associate Chaplain of Catholic Archdiocesan Choir of Abuja, and current Parish Priest of St Andrew Catholic Church, Orozo, Abuja, Nigeria.

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