Children’s Day Celebration

So, our parish at St Andrew Orozo, Abuja collaborated with 264 Kids Club to give our over 600 kids a wonderful and memorable children’s Day experience.

It was worth the collective efforts having the team at @264recreation arm the children with all the knowledge and required skills needed to stay protected from the many predators, evil humans out there, destroying the lives of our many innocents. The message was loud… PROTECT THAT CHILD!

"Every child deserves a future free from fear. Together, we can turn that promise into a reality."

our world needs to be safe enough for our future generations to thrive. You only need to create the enabling environment for a child to excel and you’ll be shocked at what he/she becomes as a result. Many of us adults didn’t have this growing up as a result of the consciousness at the time.

But we must have to pass on great legacies to our future generations. Life and history will hold us all responsible if we fail to do our part. Happy Children’s Day to all of us children 😊 #stolenmoments #fadaben #childrensday #childrenphoto # Here the link to My instagram

Fr Ben Onyemechalu

Priest of the Catholic Archdiocese of Abuja, multipotentialite, founder and creative director at FadaBen Creations, child advocate, youth animator, community builder, goal oriented personality with a penchant for generating innovative ideas and solutions through music, arts and culture, all aimed at addressing societal issues. A Musician, Songwriter, Music Producer, with great interest and love for photography, videography, editing, community development, smartphone creative adventures, amongst others. Associate Chaplain of Catholic Archdiocesan Choir of Abuja, and current Parish Priest of St Andrew Catholic Church, Orozo, Abuja, Nigeria.

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